
How long does shipping take?

Our standard shipping times vary depending on your location, but we strive to get your custom piece to you as quickly as possible, typically within 5-7 days after production.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, Silver Purr is delighted to ship internationally, so no matter where you are, you can hold a piece of your pet close to your heart.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you'll receive a tracking number via email. Use this number on our website to keep an eye on your precious cargo.

Are there any shipping fees?

For orders over a certain amount, Silver Purr offers free standard shipping. For orders under that amount, shipping fees are calculated at checkout.

What happens if my order is delayed?

In the rare event of a delay, we'll keep you updated every step of the way. Our team is here to support you, ensuring your order arrives as soon as possible. If you have specific concerns or deadlines, please reach out to us directly.


Can I return a customised piece?

Given the customised nature of Silver Purr products, we're unable to accept returns. Each piece is uniquely crafted to your specifications, making it a one-of-a-kind item that's specifically tailored for you. We encourage you to review our photo guidelines and product descriptions carefully before placing your order.

My order arrived damaged, what can I do?

If your order arrives damaged, please contact our customer service immediately with photos of the damage. We prioritize your satisfaction and will work closely with you to resolve the issue, whether it involves replacing the item or offering an alternative solution.

What if I'm not satisfied?

If you're not satisfied with your Silver Purr purchase, we're here to help. While we can't accept returns due to the customised nature of our products, we want you to love what you receive. Contact us within 7 days of receiving your order to discuss how we can address your concerns and ensure your satisfaction with your unique piece.

Will I be responsible for return shipping costs?

Depending on the reason for the return, Silver Purr may cover the return shipping costs.

About Silver Purr

What inspires Silver Purr's designs?

Our designs are inspired by the deep, loving connections between pets and their owners. We strive to capture the essence of this bond in each piece of jewellery.

How does Silver Purr ensure high-quality craftsmanship?

We employ skilled artisans who use only the finest materials, ensuring every piece meets our strict standards for quality and durability.

Where is Silver Purr based?

All our designs are crafted with love and precision in London, where our team brings each piece to life, ensuring that every item reflects the spirit and personality of your beloved pet with unmatched quality.

Can Silver Purr create a piece with any pet's image?

Absolutely! We celebrate all pets, no matter the size or species. Just provide a photo according to our guidelines.

Does Silver Purr offer a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes, we stand behind our work. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll make it right.